Tag Archives: reading speed

ReadQuick, from iFive for the iPhone, ep 54

I was looking for this app I remembered from a while ago, I found a review of it here in this video below, it’s called Readquick. Like that article I posted yesterday about an upcoming app on unspecified devices that doesn’t exist yet, called “spritz”, *this* iPhone app, Readquick, already exists and a lot of people really like it. It presents articles one word at a time. I never thought I’d like using it, myself, but after trying the bits in that article yesterday, I found myself wishing I could try it. So I might try Readquick. It integrates with various apps where you save web articles to read later, like my favorite, “Pocket“. Thing is, it’s expensive. It’s 9.99 right now, so I’m gonna add it to AppShopper (another app I love!) so that I get an alert when there is a price drops. I love AppShopper. Not only does it alert me when something on my list drops in price, but you can view the price history of the app, to see how often it goes on sale.

See the video review here, on “iFive for the iPhone” episode 54,
item number 2… at 2:09 in:


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